Friday, July 22, 2011

Should i just forget about her, or should i chase her?

I met this girl about a month and a half ago and we talked for 3 hours and we seemed to share a connection between each other. We texted for about 3 weeks until we set up a date, which she cancelled and rescheduled on. On the actual date, we hung out for about 5 hours and had a blast. We never stopped talking, were always laughing at something, and she seemed really interested and wanted me to go to her house to see a romantic movie and wanted me to go to her dance recital. Anyways, after the date, we texted a few times, and she started to not respond. After 2 unanswered texts and 1 unanswered call over the span of 3 weeks, i decided to leave her alone. I sent her a fake mass text 2 weeks later saying my phone was broken and apologizing to all my contacts for not answering them, supposedly (creepy, i know, but i really like her :l). She replied and we ended up catching up and talking for the rest of the day, and when i said i had to go, she told me to text her the next day so maybe we could hang out. On friday, i told her that saturday or sunday would be better for me, and we decided on saturday, so i told her to surprise me with the location (she owed me a surprise) and she said ok. Come today (saturday) we talked from 10am to 7pm and she never mentioned where she wanted to go. I find it odd to bring up in text, so i want to see if she tells me anything tomorrow. Should i just forget about her, or propose a new place or ask her whats up tomorrow?

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