Friday, July 15, 2011

Help? With this girl. 10 points to best answer :D?

Uh,she may not be the problem here.Ur ranting is epic and typical of a little girl ranting. It's not the END all!Fix yourself before you try & fix anther.Best advice you'll ever get.Ur too petty.Over a efn game! Get over it.If u get mad about that,then every little thing gets ur goat.Simmer down now,and don't sweat the small stuff.The best revenge is living well.I get the feeling u don't have many real friends and if someone here posted and agrees w/you you'll pick therm for worst answer.I'm saying these things on my time to help u see you are the one who needs fixing.It will fade & be forgotten as soon as you fan the flames of anger & hate.Let it fizzle out and die.Let sleeping dogs lie,etc...Stop waisting your energy on negative stupid worthless things.There's more in life to be upset about. Count ur blessing and thank all that been good to u that your able to play a game & eat,& do this & that..You'll lose,negativism always dose..Loser never win & winners never lose...

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