Monday, July 18, 2011

Hey fellow finance majors, where did you find your first job after college?

I was out of work, & was pretty in despair. Because my wife was the only source of cash to keep us current. I needed to look for something to assist us, because it does not bring a good feeling for her supporting the family. Then after going through many more part-time positions, I figured that I cannot bidding my time on a company or a job for security. So I started researching on the internet for a more long-termed source of income. After I went through many of these get rick quick scams, I finally stumpled upon a program that really works, It was slow at the beginning but after a 4 weeks, I was starting to make money. Presently, I'm bring in enough on online, but I am also keeping a part-time job as well for extra cash flow. I'm planning to call it quit in a few weeks and devote my time to this program. The flexibility is something I am beginning to experience for the first time in 20 years or so of my working career. I hope my experience will get you motivated.

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