Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My girlfriend suddenly lost interest in me once we moved in together?

So in the beginning we were great having sex at least 10-15 times a day and enjoying eachothers company for a couple days a week. Although we lived 2 hours away from each other, she had been in bad relationships with guys who made her always travel to see them instead of taking the time to go see her i did just that. After about a month of awesomness we decided i would relocate my job where she lived instead of driving soo far every week to see each other. Well my job was going to take a couple months to transfer soo i found another one till the transfer went through. Well when i moved in with her we had an amazing 3 weeks and then she just got emotionally detached from me and like would stop anwsering my questions and would always wanna know who i was txting but if i asked her who she was txting she would always say none of my buisness well one day after all this crazyness of her ignoring me i finally asked her if she still felt like she wanted to be with me? She told me she lost all feelings for me and that i was a really good guy but she doesnt know why she cant feel for me but that she really really wanted to. So i asked her if she wanted to try to make it work because she is really amazing and she happily agreed. After that i tryed all the amazing things like taking her to dinner leaving her lil nates that tell her i love her, ive tryed doing things i know she likes to do ive tryed just giving her space but all have failed. I tryed for 3 months then when i think that things are getting better she tells me nothing has changed and she needs more space. She stopped kissing me for a couple months and we only had sex like once a week and now its been 2 weeks since we have ad sex and its the longest we have went without. At first she told me it was because she had a womans test she needed done and then it got canceled and rescheduled then she was sick and now she just gets mad everytime i ask her or try to have sex with her. When i try and kiss her she turns her cheek to me! I would move out and give her more space but money is tuff for everyone right now including me. I want her to care for me and ive tryed everything in the book and its just not working soo im starting to realize that i cant just get someone to love u back no matter how hard you try some people just arnt going to. After i get off work i come home and just wanna be with her but shes the opposite even tho she has been alone all day she wants me to leave her alone and soo i go for walks and go to the gym for hours then she always like whats wrong with you? She has been outta work for 2 months now and ive been giving her money to go do things she wants and filling her gas tank not that im a money guy because money is almost usless to me... I just want her!! Now she is lying to me about txting and talking to her ex. I told her that i was ok with her being frineds with her ex but shes taking it to exreme when she lies about talking to him... I just dnt know what to do anymore im stuck living with her and she has lost feelings for me i dont really know many people here where we live because i moved here to be with her.... Im lost can someone help me and tell me what to do??

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