Monday, July 18, 2011

We depend on the world to continue to run the same if anything where different it would disrupt the whole.?

there are many things that could really use some changing. But the problem is finding a way to make the changes one at a time without disrupting the whole system. This change has been foretold to come for a very long time through prophets and such. It must come because we can not continue in this manner for much longer. But no one seems to be able to come up with a way to resolve the issues that will result from the "waking". We must do something pretty fast and there will be big problems once we do, but we have no choice. I have seen many attempts at preparing people for this waking, but people are not getting it. There is so much trash around it that it is hard for most of us to grasp what is going on. The preparation attempts have i my eyes been a drastic failure. I have no clue how to resolve the problem and no one that knows about it is talking. You have to know that it is there before you can see it. Then the deeper you look into what you find, the brighter it is to you. Once you see it, it is hard to believe you could not see it before. But you were blinded by the world as you thought it was. it's muddy water but keep dipping into it and you will see. the blindness can be lifted. But in order to see you must first believe. That is the hard part. How to believe in something that you can not see, and that sounds like craziness. But if i am crazy it is for Christ that i am crazy. It is for the love of truth and fairness to all. This world is very hard to continue to live in once your eyes are opened to the truth and you are surrounded by the blind and considered crazy if you open your mind to any of them. i am torn in two. better for me to depart from this world but better for you that i remain for the chance that maybe i can be of assistance in the waking some day hopefully before it is too late. This job seems impossible but can only be accomplished by keeping hold of hope. but i got to tell you my hope is about gone i can not keep crossing the Jordan my time is at hand. for me it is now or never. i have grown old and tired, lost hope and faith is the edge of the cliff. what i need is for someone to lift me back up. i know your out there, listening, hoping, waiting. I am your fellow soldier and am about to fall down on the front line unless i find a shoulder to help me along the dry time. just some spirit given words. signing off

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