Monday, July 18, 2011

What should I accomplish first for weight loss, quit: smoking or eating fast food?

I am a smoker also trying to quit. I also am on a diet trying to lose as much weight as possible the healthiest way possible.I also like junk food. So, I suggest you quit the junk food asap first. That's what I did. You will pack on a few pounds just from indulging. I'm pretty sure you know that. Quitting smoking should be slower, you should really worry about yor health and fully understand why you need to quit. Slowly work your way their. If your smoking 5 times a day, automatically cut down to three. And stick to that for a few weeks. I'm down to about 2-4 cigs a day and I feel much better. I can handle a good workout much easier. Breath better at night. Walk up the stairs without the feeling of being choked to death. So yes you should keep cutting down your cigarettes. And if your like me, when you can't smoke you eat, then munch on the healthy stuff. Fruits are the best. Think of how young you are. Do you wanna age horribly due to smokin and eatink junk? IT WILL affect the way you age, think of your skin, your health. Your will power. Your stronget than that. You can do it.

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