Saturday, July 16, 2011

I told a girl that has a boyfriend that I had a crush on her and now she is avoiding me.?

You should have never told her to be honest i have had a lot of guy friendd & idk why but they always end up falling for me i hate rejecting them because after. They tell me i just don't feel the same around them i been with the Same guy since 2007 & they knew i was with him but they still told me they liked me Gurls feel akward around a guy they knoe had or has feelings for them especially when we have a Bf we love? Lol. I stopped having guy friends because I'm tire of them telling me they like me. Is gona be hard for u to get her friendship back all u gotta do is stop giving her rings cuz daz hella akward? Just behere friend don't show her u like her & all that cuz then shee will stop talking to u completely. Let her talk to u if not just say hey & don't be asking her to hang out too much?

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