Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why does he try so hard to avoid me although i am doing the same thing ... it hurts my feelings a lot?

theres this guy i still like and idk if he still likes me we were on and off because i would question his every move & his intentions towards me i thought he just wanted sex like every other guy i've spoken to. so we stopped talking for a few days then he texted me out of nowhere and i felt better i was like yes he likes me! but the convo was s dry and ended pretty fast. then the next day i texted him saying i didnt want anything to do with him that we should just erase eachothers nmbers and thats that but he put up a fight we argued and then we ended up making up over the phone and seeing eachother that same day. i went to his house he was being totally sweet and romantic and i felt comfortable but we didnt have sex or anything it felt right and every time the making out would get heavy he would be like self control emily ... haha thats a new one ... anyway , we watched movies and then i had to go the vibe was incredible i felt like he was totally into me .. he even said "you really know how to make a guy feel comfortable" i took that as a compliment ... then he hit me up that night to see if i got home safe the convo didnt last much he said brb then when he came back 2 hrs later .. he was like "baby im sleepy ima go to bed" im like k night then hes like no kissy ? i feel so unwanted so im like awww k night kissy face LOL after that night he didnt speak to me till 2 days later and the convo was normal like friendly i tried to flirt but he didnt really flirt back -___- so i did my lovely assuming agan and said we could be friends if you want i dont mind then he spazzed like woah whats wrong with youu all this stuff then he deleted me !!! from bbm lol how insulting ! i called him i was trying to explain why i felt like that he said i warned you what would happen if you did this again i said its cause i dont feel like you like me he said if i didnt want nothing serious would i be talking to you hes like i told you from the jump i wanted something serious i was like wow okay so now what he said we dont talk you just delete me i'll delete you and we move on i was like wow you dont care hes like i dont im not stressing this i was so hurt you wont believe it now since that day i have class with him and all and its become so awkward i avoided him first i guess i never said hi or anything i think he was expecting me to say hi to him but i have somewhat pride so i dont he has too much so it bothers me grrrr and i could feel he would look at me or try to talk to me i guess but i would just block it out then now all he does is avoid me every time i walk to where hes at or walk in the room even on the train he will move all the way to the end of the train just to avoid me it really hurts my feelings what should i do i dont understand this guy its hot and cold with him . its like he hates me or is disgusted or just plain doesnt like me idk i didnt think it would be this bad he just avoids the crap out of me! but i try not to mind it and before i'd usually be the first one out of class but now hes the one ready and gone! helppppppp!! does he still like me & why does he keep avoiding me :\ should i just give up -.-

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