Saturday, July 23, 2011

Scared to get my driver's license (anxiety)...Please Help?!?

I know how you feel, or at least I can imagine how. I was having trouble with my parent for a time when I was 18 because I was preparing to go to college and I was afraid of taking my driving test for the same reason you do, and also that English is my second language (I thought I wasn't going to be able to understand anything). The first time I did it I hit a car at the end of the exam (imagine how horrible and embarrassed I felt) but I needed to drive before August, and I don't know how but I went again, but instead of taking my mother, or even my bf or sister to accompany me, I took a very close friend, and that somehow made me relax a little bit, and also the fact that I didn't get to repeat the test with the same DMV worker. I wish you could do it when you feel prepare, but I know the pressure you receive from others and more if you know you will start college soon, but try to think in a variety of things that can make you relax and feel more secure. And believe me, you will relax way more when you finally get to drive by yourself and with a driver's license in your hand. It took me half a year to completely feel very very secure of my driving, but it's worth the anxiety a little, believe me.

Crying over a 1 week relationship, what is wrong with me?

Please read before you judge. I am 22 years old, I suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attack, ocd, and oc thoughts. Here recently I met someone that I use to work with when I was 15 years old, we decided to hangout, neither one of us planned on dating but it happened. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, we would talk for hours and hours and hours, due to the fact I have social anxiety it surprised me how comfortable I felt around him, I never really felt that close to someone that fast. I felt safe. Before him I hadn't left my house in MONTHS....but anyways we were very happy, he said he was falling for me so fast, that it was crazy because he never has done that before. I was falling for him fast too, it was like I had known him my whole life, and he agreed. I told him all about myself, my ocd my thoughts.. maybe I shouldn't have, but he said he could deal with it.... well we had alot of fun, i even started hanging around his friends, which is hard for me to meet new people but I got along well with them, and felt fine, it was like the whole cloud nine thing... well the other night alittle after a week of dating, we were chatting and he said I miss you, can't wait to see you, and then he brb... he was going to give his kids a bath, 10 minutes later he comes back and says he is sorry but he is not ready for a relationship and just wants to be friends. I swear it felt like someone ripped my heart out and stomped on it, it's been like 3 days now and Im still crying, I feel so depressed. I have had a 2 year break up, a 1 year and 6 mth break up and neither one of them hurt THIS BAD, he's all I think about, our memories of a little over a week seem like memories of a lifetime, and I just cry, and I don't know how to stop, I blame myself for letting him in on me, maybe i scared him away, I truly am just heart broken and depressed, and I know it sounds childish but it's the way I feel and I don't know what to do, I just don't feel good enough, he had even told me he was falling in love with me, and 2 days later BAM it's over.. I just don't understand... and I am so sad.... I know people will probably post a lot of rude comments but I hope someone can tell me what to do, I feel like we were married and got divorced or something.. this doesn't feel like a regular breakup, like so what move on, this feels like I wanna wait and pray that he changes his mind...

What should I expect during my first in car drivng lesson?

I have my first lesson tomorrow, and i'm so stressed about it. Especially since I have school exams all week and I can't reschedule. I have never had any practice in car, except once in a parking lot. Any tips for me peoples?

Does he not like me anymore :(?

me and this boy from another state met because he was visiting my cousin for one day. we hit it off and he was like "so tell me about yourself" and was really sweet. then he added me on facebook and asked for my number and was flirting BIG TIME. (telling me how pretty i was, that he wanted to be with me, that if he could go anywhere in the world it would be where i was, that he liked me a lot), all in all it seemed like we were going to have a long distance relationship. then he started acting sad over text and i told him i missed him. he said "i miss myself too." i asked why and he said "because the last time i saw myself was when i was with you." then he never talked to me again until one day a month later i texted him. he talked for awhile then said "brb" and never texted me back. i give up. please help? what happened, i still like him a lot... :(

A professional way of writing this....?

I have been with my job for several years now. I had training set up for July 2011, and had to cancel the training. My husband accepted a temporary job in July because we really need the money (and it is a high paying temporary job). I tried to find a babysitter for the 2 weeks I was going to be away, but couldn't find one. My job said that it was perfectly okay for me to reschedule, but that I had to provide a letter for supervisor to sign stating my reason for cancellation. I'm good at writing letters, but horrible with professional "explanation". Could someone please offer me advice on how to explain this without making my job and my training sound any less important in the letter. Any advice is appreciated! Thank you and have a good day. : )

Who's fault and what should I do?

So the other day was one of my long time best friend's graduation and he had went to mine a few days before his so I thought I'd go to his but it didn’t seem as if he was too excited about it. I had to ask him about all the details and so I got the impression that he didn't want me to go and it sounded like he was discouraging me because he told me that the place was really far from my house, which it is. And i asked him on numerous occasions if he wanted me to go but all he would say was it's up to you it really doesn't matter. The reason why it made a difference if he really wanted me there was because I'd have to talk to my mother about taking me to his graduation which was 45 minutes away and took place at 8AM and none of my other friends knew him so I couldn't get a ride from them. Oh and another reason I didnt want to go was my graduation was a few days before and he drove out of his way to mine but then didnt make it to my grad party due to work and so he suggested he make it up to me by having lunch with me but then he cancelled on me two days in a row and after the second day he didn’t bother rescheduling. So I just didn't feel like going out of my way for him anymore. But then on his graduation day I texted him saying congratulations and im proud of you etc and he said that "all of his friends were there" and said how great it made him feel. Is it my fault that he’s not talking to me? And what should I do?

My friend thinks I like her crush? HELP PLEASE :X?

Problem is that she may be a bit jealous of you, especially if this is her first crush and you may have had other guys already interested in you, and thinks that some of the IMing done was behind her back in an effort for you to flirt with him. So you need to reassure her personally you have no aims on him by ignoring him when possible and maybe help her develop some self-confidence about herself.

Scary movie sleepover! Should I go???? Help!?

Don't go. You can always do it some other time after your exams are finished. Why let your friends get in the way of your education and if their your true friends they will understand

Why is it so hard to get over this jerk?? 10 points best answer!?

I'm 17 & have been on & off w/my bf (20) for 4 yrs. He used to be nice but all he's done since finishing high school is sit on his *** playing online videogames & flirt with a bunch of tramps. Basically he's become a jerk. He calls maybe once every 2-3 weeks and will randomly stop our conversation. He tells me he "loves" me all the time, but his actions say that's a bunch of bs. I've dated other guys,but he was my first bf & the only guy i've ever loved. I just wanna stop being in so much pain! That's all i feel with him anymore. He doesn't have a job & doesn't plan on college. So....why can't i get over him??? I'm just going to leave him & not even bother telling him it's over. He can't even get so many girls in real life so what's with all the online tramps?? He's even told them he "loves" them! Wtf! He makes me feel so bad about myself, so why is it so hard to let go?? I hate that he's changed so much. It's like he's only there for me when it's covenient for HIM. He told me to go on msn a few days ago so we could chat, so I did. After maybe 15 mins of talking, he said "damn gotta restart my pc. brb". So I waited....and waited. I was using my phone so I went on to check if he was back every now & then. He never came back and I know he went on facebook later. He'll also text me, i'll respond, and he won't say anything back. Why start a conversation with me if he won't continue it?? I never see him since he's been at his sister's house since december. He said he'll be back in a few weeks. That was a month ago. He says he wants to spend time with me on July 4th. Why such a long time from now, and why should I make plans for him anyway after the way he's been treating me?? Why can't I get over him if all he does is treat me like trash??

Possible problem with dealership?

I have a 2007 Suzuki Reno that has 33,000 miles on the car. Recently it has been stalling and setting codes P0601, P2105, P2106. According to a local mechanic, this can only be solved by replacing the ECM due to the P0601. Due to the emission warranty still being in effect, I was told to take it to a dealer to have the warranty work completed. I have called the main corporate line and informed them of the situation. My problem is the fact that the closest dealer is 114 miles away. I contacted them and have an appointment set for tomorrow but I have a feeling I am being set up. They told me the diagnostics would have to be run first (as if having a local mechanics word wasent enough). But I am afraid that I will be told that the ECM will need to be ordered and I will be stranded. I asked them to reschedule so that an ECM could be on hand but they refused until the diagnostic was taken care of first. This sets up a red flag that I am about to be ambushed. Any suggestions?

I'm afraid of myself-HELP?!?!?

I'm losing it, I've been battling depression and im officially terrified of myself. I lost it this morning and went postal on myself and now i'm sobbing in bed with my laptop....I messaged my ex how sorry i was that he had to be ashamed of me....he hasn't spoken to me in 3 months besides to say "I HATE YOU" and I'm losing it...I missed my doctors appointment yesterday and now I have to go to a reschedule...Everything is falling apart and i don't know what to do.....I need him to care....I don;t want to be alone with myself feeling like do i turn off feeling for a while....I don;t care how I just want to stop losing it

I think my friend has an eating disorder?

Ok so my friend (lets call her Kelly) anytime and anywhere she can get food she will take it. Now she is 13 and we all know about our periods and all those cravings, but this has happened even in 5th grade. So i was with her at the lake and she brought $20. Then there was a cafe sort of concession stand. She told me to follow her im like ok. She got a cheeseburger with fries and a thing of Oreos and sugerd ice tea. She is erm wide. I don't think it is her fault, it is her moms. Her mom doesn't care at all. Like if i call her i will always hear munching and a rustle of a bag. I went over there for a sleepover, all she wanted to do was eat. We watched tv she said brb then she came back with a bag of popcorn with *extra butter*. Then before we went to bed she brought up a box of dough-nuts. In the morning (she has a walk in pantry) and she made roman noodles. Then her mom came back with McDonald's for breakfast. She got everyone those huge breakfast platters. Also when she comes to my house, every hour she is like "Can we have a snack?" I don't like having her over my house because my mom says i eat everything and when i try to tell her it was my friend, she says "Don't blame everything on your friends." When we went to the lake she finally believed me. What do I do?

How can i help feed the poor?

i would like to open a place where i can feed the homeless and people who are struggling with money but what do you need to do this im 21 and in life i want to accomplish so many thing and this is on my top list along with being an rn ( im going to school) so how can i begin i have volunteered at a food bank but the give you bags of food i want to cook the food thanks

How long could I leave my freshly stretched (one week) septum piercing vacant?

I don't have a septum piercing, but I did have stretched lobes. If you take it out it will shrink, probably smaller than a 12g (that's what happened with my ears when i'd stretch) but at the same time, there's hardly a difference between a 12g and a 10g so I wouldn't worry too much. I know you probably don't have time, but has a large selection of jewelry you could use as a retainer in the future.

Is it bad to reschedule a job interview?

Don't reschedule an interview. Work with your current job to get any sort of schedule change you need to, but you don't want to reschedule interviews for a new job. Remember: you are competing with other people who want this job. Anything you do that could hurt you is an extra point for the other candidates.

Help talking to scared dog?

I know where my dog is but I am unable to see or hear her at the moment. I am talking via mic. and don't want to scare her. How do I accomplish this.

Ladies - a date on the worst day of your period? Advice?

This weekend I have a date which will most likely fall on the "heavy" day on my period. I expect to have cramps, bloated belly and a totsl lack of feeling sexy. I can't reschedule the date so what can I do to not let my period ruin this date? Thanks...

Is she still interested, I'm quite confused?

Okay so I've been talking to this girl, and I finally asked her if she wanted to see a movie with me tomorrow (which is today). And she instantly responded yes, with like a ton of '!!' and junk. so she seemed excited. and then i told her i was going for a run, and that id talk to her later. and she never responded. then this morning at like 11 i texted a second time, and still no response. Its now like 10 at night. Granted, we didnt plan anything beyond doing something today. But I don't know if i should bother trying to reschedule or if shes just ignoring me. ALSO if its relevant were both 16 years old.

Yo parent help please answer!!!!?

yo I don't get it.. My parents dont really think I'm respnsible to accomplish anything on my it's holding me down from life lol.. I can't get a Facebook.. Can't take a walk round the block or any other of that stuff.. I even know myself I am completely reliable and repsonsibje and mature to handle things like this.. It's like they wont let me grow up!! I'm 13 1/2 and they treat me like im 5! It not really my dad he's pretty chill it's my mom

GIRLS? Could a girl get annoyed at this?

Yeah that could be pretty frustrating. If she likes you, she could have been expecting some nice conversation (or even you asking her out, who knows), and in that case it would be even more frustrating. My guess is it hurt her feelings that you initiated a conversation with her, then left her waiting for 10 minutes because you were having "the best convo ever" with someone else. The fact that she likes you, and you were talking to some other girl just makes it even worse. Ask her if she's mad and talk about it.

Is he blowing me off?

It's called a summer cold and colds are viral not seasonal... he's not blowing you off just blowing his nose.

Does anyone consider this rude, or am I overreacting?

Her decision making was poor, but your reaction definitely was rude and sarcastic. Either decide to cool off the friendship or accept that she plans poorly and make your plans accordingly.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Would you pay for these western pleasure/hunt seat lessons?

that's kinda strict if you ask me i used to pay $25 a lesson for Private lessons on western pleasure iv also done hunt seat for about the same price.

800 meter training/muscle question?

I dont think gaining some muscle will slow u down. However, you should not shoot to be too bulky because runners should not be that bulky especially runners who run distance. Squats, leg extension machine, leg curl machine, and lunges r good.

Is religion the greatest work of fiction ever accomplished by man?

If I am to believe what I have been led to believe so far then it is indeed a huge piece of fiction. I have prayed in my youth because i was raised as a Roman Catholic. To all those prayers I am still waiting for an answer so even if he is real then correspondence isn't one of his strong points. I have lost good friends and family in the most horrific of ways and again I prayed so desperately that he would let them pull through, not for my sake as that would be sinful. I prayed not on my own behalf although I have led a good and honest life. I prayed for the beautiful, wonderful and magnetic people they were, and to be saved for who they were, but to no avail. As if to add insult to injury when a prayer has been overlooked, my best friends murder at the hands of a steroid fuelled coke addict was not the only unforgivable wrong. The man who murdered him actually handed himself in to the police. He was placed on remand until trial which took six months. I have to wonder where God was when the trial took place considering he sees all. That trial was a mockery to my friends life, and to his Mother and brothers and sisters, to all of us. The man who committed this brutal act had admitted what his crime was at the earliest opportunity so we expected some remission of sentence. On the 2nd day of the trial though we all went home in tears and we knew it was going the wrong way. Unfortunately for my Mate whom I still miss, he had an aneurysm on his brain. This means that it could have burst at any time and he was a virtual ticking time bomb. My mate never woke up from the beating that thug dished out and he was in a coma and on life support for three days but there was no brain activity so his Mum had to do the only thing she could for him, let him go. After going through all that this very decent and hard working woman had to watch her son's killer walk free from prison on a technicality. Why not even a sentence for manslaughter? He was only 28 when his life was ended. So much potential and so much future all ended in one moment. We all prayed and we all wasted our time. I see this blind faith everywhere I look and it fills me with both wonderment and sadness. The wonder is that niggling doubt of human curiosity that you might actually be on to something I overlooked until I realise there is nothing I overlooked. I didn't get any answers because there was nobody there to answer me. The sadness I feel is for the memory of how i felt when I was naive enough to believe that God was all powerful and would deliver us all into salvation. Between protecting the meek and smiting wrongdoers I suppose he may have overlooked my little problems but that just seems an inconceivable notion for one with the status of god. The only message I get from the churches is that god seems to like money. Lots and lots and lots of money. Money for the church roof is a big one, thanks to bad weather. Who controls the weather? God! You would think he would want to save his parishioners some money wouldn't you? I don't want big scriptures pasted from google and copied below as answers. I have had to give this serious thought and I am not wanting to be preached at. I don't mind debate but not judgement for how I perceive there to be a distinct lack of reality within religion and it's core beliefs

Earbud fell in cup of cold tea?

If there was no honey then u would be fine but then there was so honestly I would No lie fill a shoe with water and let it stay there all night then Let it stay in rice....It works

Does he just want me for a friends with benefits thing ?

He texted me today after I told him how I feel for him he said this doesn't change anything between us he was reallyy nice about it then he was like I want to go jack off because we were talking about porn. We texted for hours I thinkmi came arcoss as weird or something because I said brb and he never texted back . I don't think he wants friends with benefits as I am writing this but I am just wondering is our friendship over ? Be honest ?

Should i just forget about her, or should i chase her?

I met this girl about a month and a half ago and we talked for 3 hours and we seemed to share a connection between each other. We texted for about 3 weeks until we set up a date, which she cancelled and rescheduled on. On the actual date, we hung out for about 5 hours and had a blast. We never stopped talking, were always laughing at something, and she seemed really interested and wanted me to go to her house to see a romantic movie and wanted me to go to her dance recital. Anyways, after the date, we texted a few times, and she started to not respond. After 2 unanswered texts and 1 unanswered call over the span of 3 weeks, i decided to leave her alone. I sent her a fake mass text 2 weeks later saying my phone was broken and apologizing to all my contacts for not answering them, supposedly (creepy, i know, but i really like her :l). She replied and we ended up catching up and talking for the rest of the day, and when i said i had to go, she told me to text her the next day so maybe we could hang out. On friday, i told her that saturday or sunday would be better for me, and we decided on saturday, so i told her to surprise me with the location (she owed me a surprise) and she said ok. Come today (saturday) we talked from 10am to 7pm and she never mentioned where she wanted to go. I find it odd to bring up in text, so i want to see if she tells me anything tomorrow. Should i just forget about her, or propose a new place or ask her whats up tomorrow?

Question about my Boas humidifier?

I have BRB, we've had him for about 1 month or so. We also have a humidifier. The BRB is my brothers, but he goes a boarding school ... so basically it's mine. Anyways my brother told me to never put tap water into the humidifier and I always listened, but my dad has been getting pissed that we wait the water bottles. So instead I bought a jug .. and I've realized it keeps filling up, and now I looked at the bottle on the humidifier and it has little bubbles in it and turns out it's tap water and my dad has attempted to trick us ... will tap water harm the snake & the humidifier or was my brother lying?

What are some real websites where you can make and design t shirts and sell them and make money?

my man has a successful show on youtube and i want him to start making shirts and other things and sell them, so what would be a good website to go on to accomplish that

Why do black people say they use the n word to kill the racial meanin of it...when thats obvuiously thats.....?

a lie because if u call a black person a ****** they still get offended? so what did you really accomplish? and dont try to say theres a difference between n199a and n199er because if so, than u didnt kill the meanin u just "made up" another word...

Persistent, annoying car salesman - is this wrong?

He is just trying to make a living!! He doesn't get paid unless he makes a sale and he just wants to be available when you are. Rather than just stringing him along, make a definite appointment to meet with him and he will stop pestering you.

Couch surfing with a toddler?

my family and i have a scheduling conflict. I have a job interview and so does my mom who was supposed to watch my son. Her interview is in another town and i can't really reschedule. My mom and sister and going through the couch surfing network and said they can take my son along. I have tried to express how uncomfortable i am. My sister has joint custody of my 21 month old and she is able to take him when she wants. She is saying she wants to. What is your take?

I think my girlfriend is either cheating on me, or doesnt like me anymore :( what do i do?

Hey, i think my girlfriend is cheating on me, or just doesn't love me anymore....if someone could help, i would really appreciate it. heres all the info i could give you. Me and her met in the weirdest way ever and we love each other alot! we have been dating for 2 weeks now and everything is going a little fast. me and her have seen each other naked and stuff and have touch each other junk and all but nothing too bad. we always talk about getting married and having kids and she asked me if i wanna be with her forever and i say hell yes.....but recently she talks to me less, talks to other guys hang with people other then me...and i just dont know what to think of all this anymore :( i posted this because today she texted me say hey im taking a shower brb and that was 4 hours ago... idk

GUYS? Please help.... is it reasonable for me to be a little bit upset?

Maybe he's just run out of things to say. You don't have to talk every day. Is he always the one to end coversations? If so, you should make an effort to be the one to say "bye" first. Also, make sure not to call every night. He'll be more inclined to talk to you and less inclined to leave you hanging if he doesn't know how long he has to talk to you or that you'll be there waiting for his call the next night.

Is it okay to take adderall everyday?

My brother has ADD and it does run in my family but ive never gotten tested for it, i am going into my second year in college and i have realized that i did terrible i couldnt focus or study, basically lazy! today i tried one of my brothers adderall 30mg and i felt like i accomplished so much today! i am going to the drs to see what he says.. is it bad that i took my brothers just to try it?

Mail tampering or am i over analyzing things?

Iv been at my new home now for about two months and iv had problems with my mail ever since i changed my not sure if its the mail man or my started with a letter that came a day late forcing me to reschedule an appointment.then when i started not receiving my netflix dvds.they were being returned.i called the post office and someone said they would make a note of it.well yesterday i received a call from my phone company telling me that they sent me a bill that was forwarded back to them and that i need to give them a neighbors arent so neighborly.they have given me grief ever since iv been here.oddly my pomeranian of two years has disappeared after numerous and false complaints have been filed on my yard dogs.iv never spoken to them because they started on me after my second day of being here.i trully have a feeling that they may be forwarding my mail back somehow.which means they are in my mailbox.btw i dont recieve anymore mail from the previous tenants either which is odd bc i never forwarded any of i reading too much into this.

How does the payment system for one day dwi program work if I had to cancel?

Basically I came down with a terrible flu, and had to cancel my one day dwi program online.. Just red though, that I would have to pay the same fee or the full amount for rescheduling the date. its over $300 !! Is it possible to do that without paying for the same thing twice?

Question About Ivy League/Top Universities Athletic Preferences?

The Ivies might be more likely to admit someone who met their academic standards and played a lesser-known sport such as table tennis. Most high schools in this country offer track & field and volleyball; many offer lacrosse as well. So those sports have a lot of high-achieving athletes trying to get into the Ivies. Table tennis is more rare, so it might give that student more of an advantage. Ultimately, your academics and other factors will matter more than sports in getting you into an Ivy.

What hour ends an "all-nighter?"?

My friend and I are up and not tired at all so we are gonna stay up all night. At what point do we accomplish an all nighter and can pass out?

Michelle Obama's goodwill tour of Africa costs taxpayers $800,000?

They are traveling all they can because there isn't going to be another 4 years....She is a disgrace.

My parents do not like my deaf fiance?

I have the same problem but I'm in high school. But this neither here nor there. The real thing is your parents do not understand how much you love her. Just marry here regardless. You're parents will accept in eventually.


this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. But I hate this.... whenever he chats with me he goes offline without telling me but he always chat first. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? How can I find out if he likes me??? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. We never talked face to face. If he likes me I don't want to break his heart??? He soooooo cute??? I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I will see him on high school graduation ceremony cuz his sister is my friend and is graduating with me. When he was in my class he only looked at me? I don't want to talk with him in front his family???? I am not asking him facebook. Cuz I really like him. I like to chat with him. I liked his pics and he also like my pics.

I want to reschedule my wedding...?

I am very stressed right now over our current situation. I just need advice. My fiance and I have been engaged for a little over six months. Our wedding date was set for October in Las Vegas. My problems are that we just found out we're having a baby. By the time October rolls around I'll be six months pregnant. It's going to cost $6000 just to fly to Vegas. Then, it's going to cost another $4,000 for the wedding. Not to mention, we don't even have all of those funds yet... We have to save and save and save and put the rest on his credit card... I don't want to spend that money on it anymore now knowing that we have a baby on the way. I want to reschedule our wedding to a cheaper location for us (which would be Guam or Hawaii) and change the date from October to July. My fiance doesn't want to. He wants his mother to be at his wedding... Which I completely understand. He wants our wedding day to be the orginal day that we picked, I do too. But... I just can't see myself going through with spending all that money. What can I do? Should I just bite the bullet, spend the money and get married in Vegas in October?

I really Need to know some text Language. Who can help?

I just got a phone and I need to know some text words. I only know lol, lmbo, and brb. Please give me the longest list you have. I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Bye now!

What to expect from a job orientation at Panera Bread?

How is your vacation inconvenient if it was scheduled before you applied for the job...Airline tickets paid for? As long as you told them up front that you'd be out of town and your start date is after you return from out of town. What is there to worry about. You're way too hard on yourself. If they that big of a problem with you not being available on those dates then surely they wouldn't have hired you just yet. Don't worry about it. Just make sure that they know and that you're still hired when you get back. Don't worry about it, or...As the Mafioso types on television and in the movies say...."Fa GET ah-bout it! Enjoy your vacation and Congratulations on your new job! =)

I'm so confused, what should I do to lose this last amount of fat fast over the summer/?

I'm a 16 year old GUY, 165 lbs, 5'10 tall. I have some belly fat, love handles, and a bit of bum fat. Other then that, I'm really not fat, I'm pretty slim, but I don't look the best when I take my shirt off coz i have no muscle in my chest and abs, just some fat. WHat can I do to achieve a nice, toned, lean look? not huge, but toned and lean. I need to lose prolly 10 pounds. What do I need to do, I have access to a gym, and I plan on going every other day, but don't know what to do there to achieve a lean ripped toned look. On the days where I don't go to the gym, I'm going to do the Spartacus Workout from mens health. I want to look really good before september 1st, coz im going to a new school, so how can I accomplish this?

Atheists, Does life have a purpose?

yes, i'll explain in my favorite song : a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Custody/Visitation Issues please help!?

You need to check into things a bit more and maybe change lawyers. You have sole custody I take it? If her father is going to be gone during his time and leaves her with an unapproved person...then I would think the child would not have to go. The girlfriend is not a legal guardian so she can not legally be watching the child for a few weeks like that without prior permission from the mother and father to do any medical things or even anything else that needs done. I had a problelm where my ex had a girlfriend who would take my kids on his weekend. He had not known her long. The kids barely knew her too. When I found out from the kids that they had gone with her to a town a couple hours away because dad had to work, I was furious. When I saw him again, I told him that in no certain terms the woman who was his girlfriend was to have my kids and take them somewhere without my knowing. If he had asked me before this I would have worked something out. His weekend with the kids he had to work, and I could have had them with me at least while he was at work instead of a total stranger. I told him I did not want her taking my kids places. ONLY his family--siblings and parents were mentioned by the judge as okay to transport my kids if we had to work out something else. Until you ex marries a woman who becomes the step one should be taking care of your child without your consent.

Why won't he text back?

This guy i have liked for about 8 months barely ever replies,its always 50/50 with him i don't get it! We basically have a "thing" and we hang out lots,but he will either not reply or say "brb" and never come back,what does this mean?

Is my ex feeling regret and hurt?

So about 2 months ago, my ex broke up with me. We were going out for almost 3 years, she said the usual don't have feelings anymore type of break up. She said she needed her space to help herself and do for herself. What can you do, so I had to agree to it. She was snotty with me at first after the break up always acting rude towards me and all that, I was a good boyfriend to her and even she admitted that. I never did any hurt to her, ever. Always was there for her and gave her what she needed. My ex has been posting sad looking tweets on twitter lately saying stuff like " things that shouldn't hurt me...hurt me " and " the moral to the story is I do have feelings, even if I don't want to acknowledge them ". So now I been talking to this new girl I met, she is pretty cool and everything so we have been hooking up as of late. I went to the mall with her to get some things and I was holding her hand. My ex's best friend works at a photo place and I seen her working there so I tried my best to get past it without her seeing me. So now I come home from hanging out today to see a tweet from my ex saying " Brb being a home wrecker ". My ex told me when she broke up with me that it wasn't about going out looking for guys and all that jazz because she mentioned 3 years is too long and she won't ever want a long relationship for a long time. So it slaps me in the face now, but I think she is talking about me in that tweet. Who else can she be talking about being a home wrecker to, do you think she is feeling the hurt of seeing me move on and not be bothered by the break up and realizing that what we had is lost?

Should i even care about this girl?

I would have suggested a better ending to the conversation, but I see what you're thinking. It does sound pretty bad to me. I hope it can work out for you.

Why is it so hard to get over this jerk?

I'm 17 & have been on & off w/my bf (20) for 4 yrs. He used to be nice but all he's done since finishing high school is sit on his *** playing online videogames & flirt with a bunch of tramps. Basically he's become a jerk. He calls maybe once every 2-3 weeks and will randomly stop our conversation. He tells me he "loves" me all the time, but his actions say that's a bunch of bs. I've dated other guys,but he was my first bf & the only guy i've ever loved. I just wanna stop being in so much pain! That's all i feel with him anymore. He doesn't have a job & doesn't plan on college. So....why can't i get over him??? I'm just going to leave him & not even bother telling him it's over. He can't even get so many girls in real life so what's with all the online tramps?? He's even told them he "loves" them! Wtf! He makes me feel so bad about myself, so why is it so hard to let go?? I hate that he's changed so much. It's like he's only there for me when it's covenient for HIM. He told me to go on msn a few days ago so we could chat, so I did. After maybe 15 mins of talking, he said "damn gotta restart my pc. brb". So I waited....and waited. I was using my phone so I went on to check if he was back every now & then. He never came back and I know he went on facebook later. He'll also text me, i'll respond, and he won't say anything back. Why start a conversation with me if he won't continue it?? I never see him since he's been at his sister's house since december. He said he'll be back in a few weeks. That was a month ago. He says he wants to spend time with me on July 4th. Why such a long time from now, and why should I make plans for him anyway after the way he's been treating me?? Why can't I get over him if all he does is treat me like trash??

Does he still have a crush on her?

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and early on he told me that he used to have a huge crush on his friend's older sister. He said 'used to' so I didn't bring up the matter again. Not too long after that he went to stay over at his friend's house and we were talking on aim. I hadn't talked to him at all that day so I was looking forward to it. But after a few minutes he didn't respond after awhile. I was a bit annoyed but I just went and did something else to keep myself busy. About 3 hours later he im'd me and told me that he was sorry and that his friend's older sister had come over and they were talking, watching movies, etc. I let it go because I figure they're fairly good friends and he doesn't get to see her often. However, he's done this several times. Right in the middle of conversation when we've barely talked, he'll just leave. It just makes me feel like he literally just tosses me aside anytime she comes over- I'd honestly be happy with a 'I'll brb in a couple hours' but he doesn't even do that. He just leaves for a few hours and leaves me in the dark wondering what happened or what he's doing. I am trying to take into consideration that he doesn't see her that often, but I still feel like he drops everything and puts me on hold anytime she's around.It really seems like I'm put in second place. Am I exaggerating or should I be a bit concerned?

Would you wait for significant other if they were going away to jail?

im tryna be a good women and stand by his side, and i know hes very stressed because hes going away for a year, but all the stress he has he takes it out on me, on me and no1 else. hes been treating me real bad, like verbally abusive and a bit physical, like throwing little things at me. i dont know if im supose to take this or what???? youlwould think that he would appraciate more the little time we have together, especially because im pregnant. hes not your typical criminal type, he was trying to defend me when things got ugly, hes gotten a lot accomplished thus far. but hes being so nasty too me.

I need advice on this guy im seeing?

Ok so this guy ive been talking to for about five months well we've been very much in love with each other well we've been explaing our feelings alot and hanging out and stuff well starting THIS weekend his adtitude has changed hes talking about going to party so he bails me out and im ok with that day which is the day of the carnival i missed for him... well today i went to the carnival sent him a nice love letter said im going and when ill probably be back. well i log on for five min coming back from the carnival early to see him and hes like i gotta go to the shops ill be back in an hour well he doesent come back until six hours later... and he logs on and he always messages me first well he didint and i said hey and hes like hey brb. hes been acting so werid towards me lately and im frightened about it, its like he doesent wanna be with me anymore and that hes sick of me and i asked my friend and i was telling him this stuff and he said only reason his aditude changed towards you was because he found another girl. Well i dont know what to do im crying and heart broken and i actually believe it too. i mean what do you guys think is up? am i just overreacting?

Freaking out about annual doctors check up tomorrow. ?

Its so weird how much my period can affect me but tomorow is my anual doctors check up for a physical- I think. Last time they checked my vagina and boobs but this time i'm on ny period :(. I really want 2 reschedule but I can't do idk what 2 do. How should I tell the doctor or what excuse should I use not to go. I really don't want to tell any of my relatives so I'm stuck in a mess.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How can you tell a very sensitive/assumptious person to not be so?

Uhh, I do NOT think that you are going to be able to change THIS person..she is WHO she with another friend, if it annoys you! Have you tried talking to her about this?

Question about ups help ?

Yes it is coming but if it was being shipped second day or something like they they couldn't do it to your location so it is probably coming regular ground.

Should I believe that she no longer want to be my friend?

So I have a friend we met in HS and now we are soon gonna finish college. She keeps flaking on me and the one thing that got me was she didn't invite me out to lunch for her birthday with her friends. When I asked her why she didn't invite me she's like oh I thought you were working. I haven't been working that day since January and I have told her this many times. We were supposed to hang out last week but she pushed it back and I didn't want to wait that long by myself so I said we'll schedule next time. She hasn't called to reschedule at all, she seems distant and it hurts me that she didn't even bother inviting me for her birthday. What should I do? I wanna approach her and ask her whether or not she wants to be my friend.

Mail tampering or am i over analyzing things?

Iv been at my new home now for about two months and iv had problems with my mail ever since i changed my not sure if its the mail man or my started with a letter that came a day late forcing me to reschedule an appointment.then when i started not receiving my netflix dvds.they were being returned.i called the post office and someone said they would make a note of it.well yesterday i received a call from my phone company telling me that they sent me a bill that was forwarded back to them and that i need to give them a neighbors arent so neighborly.they have given me grief ever since iv been here.oddly my pomeranian of two years has disappeared after numerous and false complaints have been filed on my yard dogs.iv never spoken to them because they started on me after my second day of being here.i trully have a feeling that they may be forwarding my mail back somehow.which means they are in my mailbox.btw i dont recieve anymore mail from the previous tenants either which is odd bc i never forwarded any of i reading too much into this.

Does my puppy have a cold?

Well I have a shr pei and shar pei dogs snore like CRAZY!!! But he mite want to go play or go potty and maybe he has alergys because that y alot of dogs sneez like that but I think he will be fine ok!

I'm so unmotivated and depressed and I keep saying im going to do something and cant find myself to do it.?

how do i stay motivated, positive and confident, without feeling down all the time? I really want to accomplish my goals but I dont feel confident. I want to be happy, any advice? no jks pls

Orange Coast College admission ?

If I were you, I would call, or just visit if you live close by. You might not get the classes you want, though. You kinda screwed up. :(

Relationship issues, I need some advice please?

Maybe hes not interested in you anymore or he likes that other girl. Also if ge really loved you and wanted to be with you he would do things with you.

GUYS!! Should I be worried?

My boyfriend said "brb" tonight on skype two hours ago.... and he has yet to come back. He is really sweet and he always makes me feel comfortable. He does cute little things to make me happy, and he told me he loves me yesterday. I met part of his family today, and I would say it went very well.(: But he has not returned to skype yet, and it is kind of making me a little nervous. Do you think he just got caught up in something, or did I do something wrong? What should I do now? Thanks for the advice!! <3

My the SIMS 3 audio problem...pls help?

Im playing this game for a while now and i've accomplished many things like my sims lifetime wishes, high level gardening and fishing skills, my sims can finally cook ambrosia, big house and 3 kids 1 is young adult and the 2 others are teens but then suddenly the in-game music stopped working, i mean sometimes the in-game music plays alright but mostly all of the time its not, the buy and build mode music suddenly became mute. and the create a sim menu where i want to PLAN AN OUTFIT and CHANGE APPEARANCE in the game became mute too, the radio had also become mute and everytime a accomplish a wish' the short music for the WISH is nowhere to be heard. but everytime i open the launcher and starts the game engine to open the main menu everything is fine its music/sfx and all. but when i load and play my game all the music became mute the only sound u will hear are the voices and sfx. can anyone help me fix this problem. its kind of annoying but at least i can still play the game the only prob. is it has appearing(sometimes) and dissapearing(mostly) sound

Can A probation officer do this all the time?

Okay So I understand that you have to do whatever you PO wants you to do, but I'm working full time 8 to 5 and have to get time off to see my PO. I also don't have a car so I need to borrow one to get to my probation meetings...So the beginning of this month I got time off and had a ride for the first Wednesday of the month. The PO decided to cancel the meeting the day before because his "Air Conditioners" broke? (what kind of bull is that) he reschedule at a time where I couldn't find a ride and couldn't switch my schedule around at work....Then our next meeting is the week of July 4th. and already arranged he wants to reschedule that one for an earlier time...Like how am I suppose to better myself and get away from my criminal ways if hes hurting my working schedule and my ticket to a better life??

Do I need to cfontact the CA State Bar for a refund from my Family Law attorney's office?

No. You can file an ethics complaint for the firm's treatment of you but the only way to get your money back is to sue the firm.

Seniors do you know what this is?

Its called running or flooding the board. something about asking tons of q's one incessently after another? what does this accomplish besides rolling of the eyes..

How can I convert my .jps 3d image into a 2d .jpg ?

I have a EVO 3d android smart phone with a few 3d pictures on it that I would like to view and email and or post, but would like them in the standard. Jpg format. How might I accomplish this?


you are speculating that he always looked at you. Him not replying for a long period of time during the chat is showing that he doesn't show much interest. If he is then he would put more effort into the chat sessions. You are also speculating that you are the only girl he befriended. You will know if he likes you when he actually put effort into asking questions about you...instead of making you wait.

Is my boyfrien being sketchy or am I paranoid?

Just have a serious conversation with him on the phone one night or in the afternoon, after he's done working and ask, "Why don't you have room for me anymore," or, "You say you want to hang out with him, and we never end up hanging out, what's up? I miss you!" Maybe that will make him think twice of ditching you.

What is your opinion of People urged not to shop, work to protest Ga. law?

Im hoping Texas will get a bill like this soon.And as far as illegals or not protesting this bill I say screw them.If you are an American no matter what color you are you should be against illegals coming here and breaking our laws.Our American hispanics should be ashamed of themselves for ever taking up for an illegal.They only do it if it is self serving, such as knowing someone that is in our country illegally.

Do you think it is ever possible to lift the world population out of extreme poverty without hindering others?

It can be done but not by not hindering someone but it could be done by hindering the minority -the obscenely wealthy

How do i respond???????!!! PLEASE HELP?

well if you like him/her?? just say you like them. or just say some random thing if you want it to be just a flirty light conversation

Food, Drinks, OR Ways to make baby move for 4D ultrasound?!?!?

Orange juice for some reason it helped my 3rd get to moving I drank it the 2nd time I went in for 3d ultrasound she also didnt wanna move the first time she was active the second time.

Does he like me???? 10POINTS?

I am Sikh Indian girl ,this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? How can I find out if he likes me??? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. If he likes me I don't want to break his heart??? I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I liked his pics and he also like my pics on facebook. I am the only friend that is a girl? All rest are boys?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guys, did he ditch/stood me up? 10 points.?

this guy from work has asked me to break and lunch and has paid for me both times. today he wanted me to help him with stuff just for the hell of it lol and when he said he was tired I asked if he had taken his lunch ( which he had and he asked if i did which was a yes) so he asked me when I was taking my last break and asked me to go on break with him. He asked me. I Wasnt even suggesting going on break. he decided for 2:00 when 2:00 came around he showed up punching me in the shoulder and he said 2:15 just so I would know, cause I guess he was busy/caught up in something so I said ok. 2:15 came around and nothing. then I didn see him untill 2:45 abouts like helping someone.. and when his shift ended at 3:30 he drove passed me honked the horn, smiled and waved. He didnt come by to get me for break and how the hell do you forget that within 30 mins, and reschedule the time just to stand me up, but honks smiles and waves. we work together.. so thats a major hint he not into me right guys? For all I know he ditched me and went without me or with another girl I have no idea. and how should I handle it tomorrow like ignore him? he asks me out on breaks and why did he wave and make himself known if he wanted to stand me up? to prove he fooled me and got me

What should I do???? Does he like me??? 10pts?

this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. But I hate this.... whenever he chats with me he goes offline without telling me but he always chat first. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? How can I find out if he likes me??? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. We never talked face to face. If he likes me I don't want to break his heart??? He soooooo cute??? I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I will see him on high school graduation ceremony cuz his sister is my friend and is graduating with me. When he was in my class he only looked at me? I don't want to talk with him in front his family???? I liked his pics and he also like my pics on facebook.

My 9 mo old has lead poisoning. 22 ug/dL. What can I do?

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At what point does a child need to have further sedation besides Nitrous?

when the child has too many cavities and is extremely apprehensive and restless at the dental chair......

Does this PAKISTANI BOY like me????? 10pts?

I am Sikh Indian girl ,this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I liked his pics and he also like my pics on facebook. I am the only friend that is a girl? All rest are boys?

Is"wanting what you can't have" true? my gf of 3 years left me?

Hmm, sounds to me like she may have started to feel smothered. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and it is hard sometimes. When we started dating we spent every waking second with one another. As time went on, things in our lives kept changing. I got out of school first, started a desk job. Then he got out of school and started a job too. Each change brings a challenge and can sometimes alter your feelings. We've made it threw it all. Maybe you're girlfriend was starting to feel as if even though she loved you she needed some freedom, since it suprised you, you wouldn't give it to her so you broke up after arguing. I do think that you givign her her space could bring her back to you. She may just need time out on her own to realize that its not really what she wants. My boyfriend emailed me when we had our breif break up. At the time it didn't work and I even told him I couldn't take him back. But, since it was an email, a week later I couldn't stop reading it over and over missing him, I called him, and we've been back together since. Good luck, hope you get her back :)

Persistent, annoying car salesman - is this wrong?

He is just trying to make a living!! He doesn't get paid unless he makes a sale and he just wants to be available when you are. Rather than just stringing him along, make a definite appointment to meet with him and he will stop pestering you.

How to know if my friend on FaceBook dislikes me?

I like to think I'm quite good friends with her, but she's pretty much constantly on "be right back" when we're talking, her replies are almost always at least three minutes slow, and today she said she was "doing German homework, brb in about an hour, see you~". She's now been away for about five hours and is offline on deviantART and FaceBook, but when I logged into Yahoo Chat she was online. I sat on there for about fifteen minutes, saying nothing, then she suddenly signed out. Also, an hour after she sent the brb message, there were messages on her wall between her and her other friends indicating she was online and talking with them, but she did not appear online for me and did not respond to any of my posts between then and now. Do you think she dislikes me, or is just exceptionally slow at responding, or maybe gets easily sidetracked? I don't think I've done anything to alarm/irritate/hurt/insult her.

She brags about everything!?

That's just how some ppl are...she sounds kinda materialistic and I'm wondering if u two have different personalities like that why r u friends?

RDR undead nightmare how to get to mexico?

How do you get to mexico in RDR undead nightmare? There is nothing else on my pause map for me to accomplish. Will someone tell me where to go or what to do, please?


sorry to be rude .its better look for an guy who will love you but not for an guy who will hurt you later to be honest i never trust pakistani .. well let me forget if this guys is pakistani or whatever .. point one ..if he like you why dont he chat with you when you are online is he just trying to say you are no one for her he may like your picture in general then if i would like some girl and if she is on facebook i would tell her reason why i m buzzy and what keeps me not chattin with her. one proffesional advice.. think with brain and love with heart ... and one personal advice . keep your 10 pts with you but never trust an pakistani guy girl ....anyone ...better luck and may god keep you safe

My interviewer had a 'family emergency' the day of my interview?

I'm 16 and today I walked for around 40 minutes, in the heat and humidity, in warm clothes for my first interview. I got to the site an hour early because I overestimated how long it would take to get there, so I spent money to get some food, killed time at gamestop. After the long, uncomfortable walk and the killing of time (lol), I enter Waldbaum's (supermarket) for my interview. I ask around for the manager and two old ladies who work there tell me that "she was expecting me, but had to leave due to a family emergency". However, the "she" was actually supposed to be a "he", considering the manager's name was Dave (which I explained to them). They said he'd call me back to reschedule, but something seemed fishy. Why would two random workers know about my interview? Would the guy ever even call me back? I mean, I feel jipped. I wasted 2 hours of my day only to spend two minutes in a store to be told that I can't have my interview. Should I call tomorrow and ask about the situation? I don't want to be rude or instigate anything. But this all seems very fishy.

Do I go for her!?!?!?

Okay, so lemme start off by saying I am a pretty popular guy, but girls dont think of me more than a friend. My best friend might be moving, and I really love her. But im kinda sad, and desperate. So this really, just, stunning girl starts talking to me a lot. She texted me today, and about halfway thru our convo, she said her phone was on her vag and that it vibrated and it made her feel great. So I got a little excited and pretended it was normal and I continued to text her. And she went on about how great it felt. Then she said her room was really hot, and she was gonna brb and slip into something more comfortable. Then she said she was in her bra and panties. And I said niceee and she said that she needs to hang out with me and help me get over a girl. I am like, so freaking confused. She has really big breasts, and a nice big butt. She always seems to sjow it off. She seems a little slutty, but I cant help but love it. What do you think? should I go for her?

Is Society ultimately doomed?

With things like "lol", "brb" and sayings like "you have no life" and constant texting. also the growing popularity of bad contemporary pop music. Are modern teens going to continue being arrogant Posers who follow conformity?

A girl question only please help ]:?

Tell him you're on that time of month. I'm sure he'll understand. And as for rescheduling. Sorry. that's the only option left. Mother nature can be so cruel.

Has anyone got smart lipo from Nu U med spa in chicago? Now going under the name axlology aesthetics?

Is this place a sCAM.... I paid in ful liposuction and now they call me and rescheduled the day before my procedure... and say I cant get another appointment until AUGUST. they are offering me a refund however this place doesnt seem right a F RATING WITH THE BBB. ANYONE OUT there have any comments about this company

How to get rid of fleas in my house on time?

I have planned this sleepover/party thing for 5 people tomorrow and i and all of a sudden i get fleas EVERYWHERE downstairs and they are now (little by little) advancing upstairs. i have a cat that doesnt go inside the house, just the garage. i guess we carried them in. (but dont tell me how to treat my cat cause it is already treated) i have 25 hours to get rid of them. is there anything that can help in time? thanks (please dont tell me to reschedule unless its ABSOLUTLY nessecary cause if i do it would be the 3rd time and my frinds would get annoyed and not come at all)

Ugh! my bestfriend doesnt care about me anymore!!!?

We've been best friends since grade 5. We were a gorup of 4, Me, Tj, Arielle, Anna, and now were in grade 7 and we go to different jhs and i hang out and talk to Anna everyday, since she goes to the same school as me. Tj and Arielle also go to the same school but not my school. Anyway, i still talk to tj if i ever see her online on anything and i text her like everyday, but i dont talk to arielle. She cant text anymore, but even when she could, she would never text to me. I would sent her likee 9 texts and she would never reply, but when i ask her how often she texts she as like "alll the time! and sometimes when i really shouldnt be, like in class" i was like ouch. On fb she wrote a tbh and all she wrote was "take the bus so i can see you, k" like, doesnt she miss me? She wrote a status saying that she misses one of her friends. She made a BUNCH of new 'best friends' and sometimes i feel like im not even one of them! I mean when i talk to her on fb theres nothing to talk about and she usually says brb and never comes back :/ . She never ever likes any of my statuses or pictures or anything. I mean, i made new best friends too, but they are like nothign compared to my old ones. I loveee Tj, Arielle, and Anna and i dont want to lose them.

I really need advice, please help (very long)...?

You are in a tough situation, why doesn't he just move or something? Next thing you know he is in jail. tell your cousin to stop overreacting. and since it's your fault try to fix it. Sorry if I was harsh.

Why do people say women mature faster than men?

I was asking one if my female friends why she always dates guys older than her and she said its because women mature faster than men and guys her age are immature (I'm her age). I asked her what she considers immature and she said we only care about sex and are perverted ECT. Then I asked her isn't it immature to not give a guy a chance because of his age? I think they go after older guys because if they can get an 18 year old to like them they feel accomplished, like they got a trophy.

Could someone list mythological examples of clever planning (10 points)?

I am talking about particular moments in mythology, such as the Trojan Horse tale, that uses cunning acts and clever planning to accomplish a goal. I will give 10 points to anyone with the best examples.

We depend on the world to continue to run the same if anything where different it would disrupt the whole.?

there are many things that could really use some changing. But the problem is finding a way to make the changes one at a time without disrupting the whole system. This change has been foretold to come for a very long time through prophets and such. It must come because we can not continue in this manner for much longer. But no one seems to be able to come up with a way to resolve the issues that will result from the "waking". We must do something pretty fast and there will be big problems once we do, but we have no choice. I have seen many attempts at preparing people for this waking, but people are not getting it. There is so much trash around it that it is hard for most of us to grasp what is going on. The preparation attempts have i my eyes been a drastic failure. I have no clue how to resolve the problem and no one that knows about it is talking. You have to know that it is there before you can see it. Then the deeper you look into what you find, the brighter it is to you. Once you see it, it is hard to believe you could not see it before. But you were blinded by the world as you thought it was. it's muddy water but keep dipping into it and you will see. the blindness can be lifted. But in order to see you must first believe. That is the hard part. How to believe in something that you can not see, and that sounds like craziness. But if i am crazy it is for Christ that i am crazy. It is for the love of truth and fairness to all. This world is very hard to continue to live in once your eyes are opened to the truth and you are surrounded by the blind and considered crazy if you open your mind to any of them. i am torn in two. better for me to depart from this world but better for you that i remain for the chance that maybe i can be of assistance in the waking some day hopefully before it is too late. This job seems impossible but can only be accomplished by keeping hold of hope. but i got to tell you my hope is about gone i can not keep crossing the Jordan my time is at hand. for me it is now or never. i have grown old and tired, lost hope and faith is the edge of the cliff. what i need is for someone to lift me back up. i know your out there, listening, hoping, waiting. I am your fellow soldier and am about to fall down on the front line unless i find a shoulder to help me along the dry time. just some spirit given words. signing off

Guys only help please?

I like this guy like more then I have ever liked a boy. I am bisexual and he knows his first reaction that's hot . I told him yesterday that I like him and he said that he doesn't want to ruin what we have. Then he says he has to jack off brb. a week ago he and me made a promise that we would sleep together with my futrure girlfriend . How do I tell him that if he is not my boyfriend I won't sleep with him? Does he like me even a little ? And also we were texting and I said brb and when i said back he never replied back can I text him again the next day without seeming desperatE?

Reschedule wedding due to family?

My wedding is in three months. A very close family member is on trial for reasons I wont disclose. The trial has been rescheduled for two days after our wedding day. My parents want us to reschedule. They are paying for the wedding, but all plans are concrete down to tuxes, dresses, hall, DJ and caterer etc. We chose a day that is unique and special to us. What should we do?

What're the rules about rescheduling a fist fight?

It's been on the books for a few days, but now she has a kidney issue. Does it need to be rescheduled?

Does he still have a crush on her?

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and early on he told me that he used to have a huge crush on his friend's older sister. He said 'used to' so I didn't bring up the matter again. Not too long after that he went to stay over at his friend's house and we were talking on aim. I hadn't talked to him at all that day so I was looking forward to it. But after a few minutes he didn't respond after awhile. I was a bit annoyed but I just went and did something else to keep myself busy. About 3 hours later he im'd me and told me that he was sorry and that his friend's older sister had come over and they were talking, watching movies, etc. I let it go because I figure they're fairly good friends and he doesn't get to see her often. However, he's done this several times. Right in the middle of conversation when we've barely talked, he'll just leave. It just makes me feel like he literally just tosses me aside anytime she comes over- I'd honestly be happy with a 'I'll brb in a couple hours' but he doesn't even do that. He just leaves for a few hours and leaves me in the dark wondering what happened or what he's doing. I am trying to take into consideration that he doesn't see her that often, but I still feel like he drops everything and puts me on hold anytime she's around.It really seems like I'm put in second place. Am I exaggerating or should I be a bit concerned?

Is it a breach of contract when a furniture store fails to deliver furniture on a specific date?

I have contacted the store manager on several occasions and the manager promises discounts and reschedules delivery. This has happened 3-4 times already and still no furniture.

How to tell this jerk off?!?

Me and this guy have been into each other for a few years now, waiting until we were both ready to date each other because we both had things to accomplish beforehand. We both told each other that we would wait for each other and we hung out all the time and were basically dating without the title. He was born in South Africa and he has lots of friends there because he lived there for a long time. One friend is a girl who he used to like as a child. He went back there for a visit for 3 weeks, came back and is now unofficially engaged to this girl according to his brother! So I called him up and asked him about it and he denied it in a very round about way. Im tired of the back and forth with this girl and I am heartbroken and crushed and I need a creative, great way to tell him to shove it.

Is love too much at this point?

Alright I'm just going to start from the beginning, this may be long but I'll try to keep it short and too the point. So one night my mom and I were invited to a birthday party, it was my mom's best friend's brothers birthday and he had a son who a little over a year older than me and me and his son had always kind of been around each other since we were babies because of the close relation. Anyways long story short, we fell for each other and to every one it seemed as if we were perfect. Yes we had our little fights here and there but they only made us stronger. But also through our relationship I went to different school than him so we only saw each other on the weekends and even then some times we didn't see each other. I feel like that was probably for the best though because abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. Well then I moved and it was the summer before I'd be going to his school and then all these problems starting occurring. I wouldn't say I caused the problems but I just wanted space, I guess after being in a serious year relationship at such a young age I wanted to know what else was out there. Anyways we decided to take a break and see where that got us and of course it got us no where. Eventually school started and he decided he wanted to break up, so we did. I was extremely upset and barely went to school, eventually he realized the mistake in letting me go and wanted me back and I was all for it until I started to hear rumors about him and another girl hooking up of course I didn't want to believe it but I couldn't ignore it. I asked him about i and he didn't deny anything and told me all that had happened. I was so angry I couldn't even look at him with out wanting to punch him. All the time I had spent at home waiting for him to come around was worthless because he was out with another girl. He told me after hooking up with the girl that it made him realize what he had and what he didn't want to lose but even after the first time I kept hearing more rumors of more stuff that happened between them and so finally I just called the girl and asked her to tell me everything so once I got her story I then asked my guy and of course they had completely different stories then it just became a guessing game on who was telling the truth, who could I trust and it just became so much to handle, I mean I also had school going on and sports and even to this day I still don't know who to trust. I mean I was so hurt I wanted to make him suffer. So for the longest time I made it a goal to hurt which I accomplished and through all the stuff I put him through he still loved me and wanted to be with me. But some times I feel like if I would have just forgiven him I wouldn't be so empty but then again how do you forgive that? I want nothing more than to be with this guy but we've both hurt each other way too much and I feel like letting go will just make the both of us happpier in the end. He was my first every thing and I will always love him with everything I have. I just want opinions of this and what I should do, how I should go about this? And how to let him go completely? Sorry this is long but you needed the whole story to understand.

Teenage boy advice please so confused does he just like me in a sexual way.?

I Told him today that I have a crush on him and have for a long time he said that he doesn't want to ruin what we have his exact words. I was telling him this story about how I was watching porn and my dad walked in because we are friends and we usually talk about sex but then he says brb I need to jack off. It was kinda weird I ran out of questions so I asked him some stuff about his friends I repeated myself because I was a little nervous so he didn't reply back when I said back after my brb. Is it okay if I text him tomorrow to or will he just ignore it . Guys I need some subjects to discuss with him Or things to talk about with him. Should I just give up on our friendship? Be honest please

What is our military still doing in Afghanistan?

What is their goal? What is the point of them still occupying Afghanistan after 10 years? What are they trying to accomplish? When will they leave and what will it take for them to get out? Is there any end in sight?

Move it up or move it back?

I get confused when people say "move it up" or "move it back" when they want to reschedule. Please set me straight.

How to reschedule a date in 9th Grade with a girl.?

Ok I just graduated 8th grade from this little private school with only 25 people in my grade, Iv liked this Girl for all 8 years I've been there, were going to the same high-school next year(its also very small) and I have a hour carpool with her to school every day, she's all I can think about, and I'm a nerdy, treky, whovien, I like to think that I a gentleman, well actually everyone at my school is. Ok I asked her out, and the first time she was busy, then I asked her out again, she was busy, so I was just wondering how you reschedule a date to the movies, Please help, I've been waiting 8 years

Two foot Brazilian rainbow boa feeding question?

So my new brb was just fed for the first time in a seperet tank from the enclosure and it ( person who sold it to me kept saying it was male and then female) striked the hopper perfectly twice but then didn't eat it totally there was no history of Bad feeds before and I watched it eat perfectly.....could it be it is about to shed? It has been hiding more and burying itself in the substrate or does anyone have an suggestions on tips? I plan on feeding frozen and thawed it's whole life so please keep your opinions about that to yourself and please DO NOT give me pointless greif about feeding in a sepret container

If you have a unit cost average of .99994647 and the quantity amount of 199584 and you want to achieve roughly?

If you have a unit cost average of .99994647 and the quantity amount of 199584 and you want to achieve roughly a + or - $1 variance, How would you accomplish this objective.


I am Sikh Indian girl ,this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? How can I find out if he likes me??? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. If he likes me I don't want to break his heart??? I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I liked his pics and he also like my pics on facebook. I am the only friend that is a girl? All rest are boys?

Why are guys so confusing?

So the other day was one of my long time best friend's graduation and he had went to mine a few days before his so I thought I'd go to his but it didn’t seem as if he was too excited about it. I had to ask him about all the details and so I got the impression that he didn't want me to go and it sounded like he was discouraging me because he told me that the place was really far from my house, which it is. And i asked him on numerous occasions if he wanted me to go but all he would say was it's up to you it really doesn't matter. The reason why it made a difference if he really wanted me there was because I'd have to talk to my mother about taking me to his graduation which was 45 minutes away and took place at 8AM and none of my other friends knew him so I couldn't get a ride from them. Oh and another reason I didnt want to go was my graduation was a few days before and he drove out of his way to mine but then didnt make it to my grad party due to work and so he suggested he make it up to me by having lunch with me but then he cancelled on me two days in a row and after the second day he didn’t bother rescheduling. So I just didn't feel like going out of my way for him anymore. But then on his graduation day I texted him saying congratulations and im proud of you etc and he said that "all of his friends were there" and said how great it made him feel. Is it my fault that he’s not talking to me? And what should I do?

My girlfriend suddenly lost interest in me once we moved in together?

So in the beginning we were great having sex at least 10-15 times a day and enjoying eachothers company for a couple days a week. Although we lived 2 hours away from each other, she had been in bad relationships with guys who made her always travel to see them instead of taking the time to go see her i did just that. After about a month of awesomness we decided i would relocate my job where she lived instead of driving soo far every week to see each other. Well my job was going to take a couple months to transfer soo i found another one till the transfer went through. Well when i moved in with her we had an amazing 3 weeks and then she just got emotionally detached from me and like would stop anwsering my questions and would always wanna know who i was txting but if i asked her who she was txting she would always say none of my buisness well one day after all this crazyness of her ignoring me i finally asked her if she still felt like she wanted to be with me? She told me she lost all feelings for me and that i was a really good guy but she doesnt know why she cant feel for me but that she really really wanted to. So i asked her if she wanted to try to make it work because she is really amazing and she happily agreed. After that i tryed all the amazing things like taking her to dinner leaving her lil nates that tell her i love her, ive tryed doing things i know she likes to do ive tryed just giving her space but all have failed. I tryed for 3 months then when i think that things are getting better she tells me nothing has changed and she needs more space. She stopped kissing me for a couple months and we only had sex like once a week and now its been 2 weeks since we have ad sex and its the longest we have went without. At first she told me it was because she had a womans test she needed done and then it got canceled and rescheduled then she was sick and now she just gets mad everytime i ask her or try to have sex with her. When i try and kiss her she turns her cheek to me! I would move out and give her more space but money is tuff for everyone right now including me. I want her to care for me and ive tryed everything in the book and its just not working soo im starting to realize that i cant just get someone to love u back no matter how hard you try some people just arnt going to. After i get off work i come home and just wanna be with her but shes the opposite even tho she has been alone all day she wants me to leave her alone and soo i go for walks and go to the gym for hours then she always like whats wrong with you? She has been outta work for 2 months now and ive been giving her money to go do things she wants and filling her gas tank not that im a money guy because money is almost usless to me... I just want her!! Now she is lying to me about txting and talking to her ex. I told her that i was ok with her being frineds with her ex but shes taking it to exreme when she lies about talking to him... I just dnt know what to do anymore im stuck living with her and she has lost feelings for me i dont really know many people here where we live because i moved here to be with her.... Im lost can someone help me and tell me what to do??

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Scavenger Hunt for Boyfriend?

I want to do a scavenger hunt for my boyfriend to tell him that I love him, however we practically live together and when we arent working we are pretty much always together. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do for the scavenger hunt, hints, or how to accomplish this?

Got court tommorow at 8 30 am. but i cant go to it! wat should i do?

hello i got court tommorow at 8 30 am and i was wondering if i can reschedule? or just show up 2 hours late at ten 30? i live in california. what should i do? i can go in at ten 30. should i call them at 8 30 am and tell them i am running late?

What Does TYT Stand For?

What does TYT stand for?? I realized any time I say BRB (Be Right Back) in a chat room, some random person out of nowhere said TYT. What does that stand for and mean?? Please answer and thanks

Would you say he ditched me on purpose 10 points?

this guy from work has asked me to break and lunch and has paid for me both times. today he wanted me to help him with stuff just for the hell of it lol and when he said he was tired I asked if he had taken his lunch ( which he had and he asked if i did which was a yes) so he asked me when I was taking my last break and asked me to go on break with him. He asked me. I Wasnt even suggesting going on break. he decided for 2:00 when 2:00 came around he showed up punching me in the shoulder and he said 2:15 just so I would know, cause I guess he was busy/caught up in something so I said ok. 2:15 came around and nothing. then I didn see him untill 2:45 abouts like helping someone.. and when his shift ended at 3:30 he drove passed me honked the horn, smiled and waved. He didnt come by to get me for break and how the hell do you forget that within 30 mins, and reschedule the time just to stand me up, but honks smiles and waves. we work together.. so thats a major hint he not into me right guys? For all I know he ditched me and went without me or with another girl I have no idea. and how should I handle it tomorrow like ignore him? he asks me out on breaks and why did he wave and make himself known if he wanted to stand me up? to prove he fooled me and got me

If a guy asked you on an exercise date, would you go?

What if a guy asked you to go workout as a date? I love lifting; its an activity I enjoy. I'm wondering if this would be a good dating idea. Plus, I'm hoping some sort of arousal from the girl from seeing me lifting weights. I know I sound like a tool, but that's what I want to accomplish.

I need advice. Does this guy like me or not?

I think he does like you, but he may also be very busy. So he may know he comes off as flaky. So he's trying to say, don't dump him, he does like you.

Ways To Build Intellect?

Hello all, I am fifteen years of age and would like to know ways to build my intellect. I recently acquired this urge to become much more well read and knowledgeable. I was curious if any of you knew of any ways to accomplish this. Any books, movies, documentaries, etc.???

What are you looking to achieve this school year?

Maintain a 4.0 GPA, get more involved with school activities, stop being so shy, make new friends, and try to get on all of the teachers' good sides.

I destroyed my life, should i suicide?

This is not trolling, please read, I'm miserable and need help!I love two girls from my college but Im too shy to tell or to know how to attract them, and at the beginning of this year I decided I must talk to them finally, I talk to one of them for long time she seemed to like me but refused to give her number although I know she gave it to other boys in the class, she is single, and was so friendly with me, I did my best to come closer to her and when I told her that I love her she said she doesn't and that she is not interested in this stuff, the other girl told me the same, it broke my heart and then I tried to forget about them and talked to a third girl, things were nice and we were getting along but and i was forgetting about the two almost completely, me and that girl started to know almost everything about each other, until when i told the third girl that I love her: she apologized and said she don't as well, and this ruined our long friendship, well not very long, something around 8 or 9 months, and at the end of the year I failed in five subjects in first term and failed in most subjects the second term, I also repeated the two last years, now you know why Im miserable, I cant make a relationship with any girl since 6 years in college and I also fail at studying, I dont know what to do, Im so useless in life, I cant accomplish anything, should i run wild in the forests with dogs or wolves or just shoot myself or jump of a very high cliff or sleep and wish I will wake up with a smarter character that can do at least one useful successful thing in life?

Please help! What should I do?

I'd have to say choice 1. I think it is demeaning to just sit and wait for him when you could be doing something else. I know how long-distance relationships are and they only work if there is mutual respect. It might just be a bad habit, maybe something else comes up he can't ignore. But whatever the reason is for not returning, you should not be sitting at his beck and call. I've done it and it didn't work. I felt resentful (why is his time more valuable than mine?) and decided I needed someone who would give back what I gave them. You don't say what his reasons are or if he gives you excuses for not coming back so it's hard to really know what your relationship is about. I just think that you should do something better with your time than sitting at the computer and waiting for someone you figure won't be back online. Best of luck!

Interview coming up - how do I handle recurring medical appointment?

you should seriously try to get the medical appointment scheduled on weekends or after/before the work day. It is going to be very difficult to either get a job offer if you disclose this during the interview or if you don't disclose it, get the employer to agree to your conditions once you are hired. However if there is no way you can reschedule the appointments, I would disclose this at the interview - it would be better if you are hired that the employer already knows of the time restriction rather than to get the job and spring it on them once you are working.

Joining The Army after Discharge (general under honorable)RE code:4?

I got a Article 15 last year for drug use. They gave me a Article 15 for that. Loss of rank, 45 days extra Duty, loss of pay. pretty much they maxed me. i was suppose to got to counseling for that incident and never did due to field exercises and other things that were going on. I had Appointments but missed them due to that my 1SGT at the time said don't worry about them because he was going to reschedule them but never did. After the extra duty and my article 15 they started chapter paperwork on me. to summon it all up i got chaptered out of the Army july 22, 2010 with a general under honorable conditions with a re-entry code for 4a. I had no hearing or anything like that i was doing some research and one article said that it would make my chapter invaild if i got no hearing. So what would be the next step or steps i would have to do to change my RE code or join back in the Army if someone could help me i would greatly appreciate it

Is he blowing me off?

It's called a summer cold and colds are viral not seasonal... he's not blowing you off just blowing his nose.

I have a serious problem regarding a female and need advise STAT, may you help me?

I am a musician and music producer in my late 30s and I am good at what I do. i have been working with a female vocalist and producer for about 3 years now. tonight we worked on a new song of mine and made tremendous progress. I mean she was almost jumping up and down with what we accomplished tonight. when we called it a night she looked me really seductively in my eyes and flat out said "I want to suck your co*k right now" and I was so shocked I could not respond. she is only 24 by the way. she is a hardcore atheist and I am a very spiritual person with many buddhist views. this woman is very talented and very very attractive and after a few minutes in shock I said no. well she grabbed her purse and keys and stomped off and slammed the door. I just think she is infatuated with my experience and not really interested in a relationship and my ethics just did not go well with the situation. I called her here just a few minutes ago and she agreed to finish working with me but she is pissed that I turned down her ummmmm... offer. when we go back to work should I just act normal as nothing happened or bring it up again and apologize or just forget it? Help!

Feel Like I Cant Go On Anymore...?

I met this girl, 4 years ago, freshman year in high school, we instantly clicked, I developed feelings for her, well around senior year, i finally gathered my courage, and told her i really liked her, and she said the same, but that we should just try and go on a date first, this happened around december last year, so we talked immensely about what we would do over the course of winter break, then the thursday that we would go out, she tells me he aunt is sick, so i ask her what did she catch, but then she tells me she fell down the stairs, well for any other non-blind person, they would catch the signs here, but i didnt, i told her can we reschedule? and she says yes, sunday, the day before school started again, i see a picture of her and another guy kissing, the next day, a couple of my friends tell me about what they saw, my best friend, she goes, didnt you see the picture? why arent you mad?, i didnt even the know the answer myself, i just felt hurt, disappointed in her, i ask her, so you have a boyfriend? and she goes, yes, it just happened, and i told her im not mad, i just left it at that, so far we have just stayed friends, i just wonder why she didnt tell me about him, if i still mean anything to her, i kept telling myself to go and talk to her again about it, but i never did, we did have fun at prom, we got in the photo booth, we danced a little, he was there too, i do converse a little with him, i just cant really look him in the eye, well now, we are out of school, and it will be a little harder to find the time to talk to her, if i should, i cant do it over the phone or facebook, i need to be there, if im going to talk this over with her, so, i ask you, why did she not tell me about him? did she really stand me up? should i talk to her about what i feel? should i let her go? can we still be friends, despite what she did to me?

Does he like me??? can't figure it out?

I am Sikh Indian girl ,this guy who is from Pakistan. I saw him in my junior yr at high school he was a senior then. He was in my class but we never talked. He always looked at me. I just recently chatted with him facebook. I am going to his college. But I feel very nervous when i talk with him online. He always chat with me first on facebook. When he is chatting with me I always ask him questions and he replys back after like 10 mins?? How can I find out if he likes me??? He starts out saying only Hey to me first.When I am about to sign out. I say I got to go now. He writes like brb or why you signing off to me. If he likes me I don't want to break his heart??? I won't see him until september cuz then i start college. I liked his pics and he also like my pics on facebook. I am the only friend that is a girl? All rest are boys?

Boss wants to cancel my scheduled vacation?

I just had surgery on my left dominant arm. My expected time off of work will be approx. 6 weeks. Today the surgeon said I will probably be able to return to work one week before my planned 2 week vacation. I called my boss to let him know I would be returning to work for a week before my vacation. My boss said I will need to cancel and then reschedule my vacation, even though my vacation had been approved for 2 months. I wanted to tell him that I had booked hotel rooms with another family and my kids and was going out of state for those two week to see relatives who I have not seen in years. I believe that he is a bit upset because he can not go on vacation until I return. Do you think he has the power to cancel my scheduled vacation and should I call Human resources to verify his claim? Will human resources side with him or me?

What one color provides the best contrast across the color spectrum?

I am trying to figure out what color to use on a floor. This floor needs to be a color that will allow small beads that may fall on it stand out. These beads can be any color from white to blue to pink. What color will best accomplish my goal and could you point me to a website or text that would have research backing it up such as luminescence and other measurements. I was thinking a medium grey but I would like to have some data to support my claim.

Why Do People Think Canadians Are Maple Syrup Drinking Eskimos?

I've never thought of Canadians in that way, I guess we think of you tapping into maple trees because of your flag emblem, and Eskimos now you come to mention it because of old programmes like Northern Exposure.

Can i go to the gyn on my period?

I have a gyn appointment monday but I just started my period today. Can i still go to the appointment or should I reschedule?

Ultrasound appointment--should I reschedule or keep it?

keep it. Ultrasounds aren't just for pictures they measure the baby and check the heartbeat also. You can always send him pictures or show them to him later

Should I get a navel piercing?

I leaving in a few days to go on a vacations overseas. I really want to get it done. I just don't know if it would be better to get it done when I get back in a month. Do you think i should get my navel pierced? How likely would it be that it would get infected cause that is what i am really worried about? As of now i already have an appointment booked but i don't know if i should call back and reschedule. I really need an honest opinion...

Helpppppp i dont know what to do!!?

So this saturday i have my ACT retake, which is SO imporant to my mom and then i have my BESTFRIENDs graduation that we've been waiting for since freshman year. we grew up together and were practically like sisters, we're closer then anyone we met when we were 4! but idk what i should do ACT starts at 8am and graduation starts at 9? and its like an hour away, and my mom will NOT pay to reschedule... someone help meeeeeeeee!

Boys, and Video games?

Ok so My boyfriend when im chatting with him on yahoo always ends up going brb, like 6-10 times because he's playing a video game mostly his PS3 or Halo reach and he goes brb for like 10-20 mins and Im getting kinda mad about that I dont wanna tell him because he'll think Im being bi**hy about it and I dont want him to think that, Normally I end up leaving and he doesn't even ask me to stay, What am I suppose to do?? I mean, Im lost

Boy problem. Help please?

Give it some time. If you go after him, he may back away. It may not be that he does want to talk to you, but he doesn't want someone telling him he needs to do this. Maybe he's just busy at home or with his own friends. Don't worry and jump to conclusions.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is my boyfriend ignoring me?

He got grounded for a month and got his phone back last night. He sent me a text and we sent about five texts before he sent me "I gotta go to sleep. I'll text you tomorrow! nite baby! I love u" In the morning I got a good morning text and we started to talk about the usual(talking about how we'vebeen and planning out or next date) wetexted for an hour then he sent me "lol brb i gotta go change :3" and I haven't heard from him since. Its been almost three hours. Its not like him and his friends the night before told me how he never shuts up about me. Is he ignoring? How do I get over his silent break up? help me please.

Steven Gerrard & Frank Lampard & Cesc Fabregas in Midfield in a 4-3-3 ?

to beat barcelona we need more agressive players like pepe, and most of the real madrid players.we also need skilled players that can make barcelonas players stressed. I would chose rooney, gerrard, and lampard.

Do I have a purpose of living?

If you truly feel this way you could go and talk to your parents. They probably have no clue you feel this way. If you dont want to go that route, then dont feel so down on yourself. You are only 17 and it may not seem to young but it still is and you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do in life dreams etc. Just always remember someone is always thinking of you even if you dont even know it. Good luck and I hope things get better for you.

Im 30 years old and want to go back to school...?

Depending where your from if u search around u may find short trainings for like medical billing and coding, pharmacy tech etc FOR FREE. Check this out!! Good luck

Is"wanting what you can't have" true? my gf of 3 years left me.?

Man send her that letter, and when she receives and read that letter, she will cry and miss you. But when she try to call you, please don't pick up. Try not to talk to her for 3-7 days. She will go nuts and start realizing she messed up. Trust me man, girls are like that. Please don't be a puss and talk to her when she reads the letter and want to chat with you.

Help with website...?

facebook is a hit cause it allows friends to friends but all others in their friends so do that and i can assist u in creating

Is she really ok with me doing this. Help:(?

I offered to get something for my crush that she wanted and when I told her it made her very happy saying that I'm sweet for doing that for her and I said I'll give it to her tomorrow. So tomorrow came and my dad had to use the car so I couldn't get her the thing she wanted until later. So I told her that I will have to reschedule and give it to her the next day, so she replies by telling my "it's all good" I know she understands but in my mind I feel like I disappointed her. Is there something I could do or say to make her feel happy.

Why ex boyfriend takes forever to text back?

this morning i was texting my ex bf and he was being sweet and cute and nice and texting back less than a minute or so and was being flirty too..than i said brb cuz i hav to go drive..i texted bk sayin i bk and he did short words lik one words sort of...than he wouldnt text me bk for an hour than he did and said he took an ice bath..than he started texting me lik uk long stuff i guess and so on than he wouldnt for another hour so i decided to text a message tht wasnt for our conversation and he replyed right back so whats going on???

Instructions on replacing 2000 mustang pressure hoses?

I'm trying to replace the power steering pressure hose on my 2000 mustang. Do you have instructions to accomplish this.

Hey fellow finance majors, where did you find your first job after college?

I was out of work, & was pretty in despair. Because my wife was the only source of cash to keep us current. I needed to look for something to assist us, because it does not bring a good feeling for her supporting the family. Then after going through many more part-time positions, I figured that I cannot bidding my time on a company or a job for security. So I started researching on the internet for a more long-termed source of income. After I went through many of these get rick quick scams, I finally stumpled upon a program that really works, It was slow at the beginning but after a 4 weeks, I was starting to make money. Presently, I'm bring in enough on online, but I am also keeping a part-time job as well for extra cash flow. I'm planning to call it quit in a few weeks and devote my time to this program. The flexibility is something I am beginning to experience for the first time in 20 years or so of my working career. I hope my experience will get you motivated.

How do you deal with him only liking you as a friend ?

don't come on too strong and let things simmer down a bit. he'll still be your friend but not much more than that. he's just not that into you

What should I accomplish first for weight loss, quit: smoking or eating fast food?

I am a smoker also trying to quit. I also am on a diet trying to lose as much weight as possible the healthiest way possible.I also like junk food. So, I suggest you quit the junk food asap first. That's what I did. You will pack on a few pounds just from indulging. I'm pretty sure you know that. Quitting smoking should be slower, you should really worry about yor health and fully understand why you need to quit. Slowly work your way their. If your smoking 5 times a day, automatically cut down to three. And stick to that for a few weeks. I'm down to about 2-4 cigs a day and I feel much better. I can handle a good workout much easier. Breath better at night. Walk up the stairs without the feeling of being choked to death. So yes you should keep cutting down your cigarettes. And if your like me, when you can't smoke you eat, then munch on the healthy stuff. Fruits are the best. Think of how young you are. Do you wanna age horribly due to smokin and eatink junk? IT WILL affect the way you age, think of your skin, your health. Your will power. Your stronget than that. You can do it.

What does this text message mean?

This lad I talk to sent me a text when I said brb he replied saying 'text inhabit ly' did he say 'love you' but in short words 'ly' ?:S

3d/4d ultrasound baby not cooperate....?

They rescheduled me for a new appointment in two weeks does anyone no any old wives tales or has tried anything to have a baby cooperate or spread out?

Do korean boys like american girls?

sooo. okay, i am going to south korea in about two weeks, (july 14th) and i will be staying in Incheon. my one simple tiny little question is that, well, i see all these super skinny pretty girls advertised for korean culture. do they turn down anyone not like, super skinny? i totally find korean boys to be such a heart throb, and i dated two, they told me they found american girls to be so facinating and pretty. ofcoarse being a normal teenage girl i questioned constantly why. :/ BUT, im like, size 5, ive got hips, ive got a booty that resembles the better half of kim kardashian :) so out of sheer curiosity, what do korean boys want from american girls? could they find me pretty? a blond, crystal blue eyed, toned, petite but curvy, 5'2.5 girl, with fair skin and a second degree black belt but totally fun and adventurous and smiley, i believe anything can be accomplished, i can be lazy but i love to be hugged and im super excited for anything :)

My boyfriend hasn't come back yet?

My boyfriend said "brb" on skype an hour and a half ago, and he hasn't come back yet. He is the sweetest guy ever. He does things for me all the time and always makes sure I am comfortable. He told me he loves me yesterday. It's a long distance relationship (we met on vacation) and I met his brother today. It went really well. So should I be worried that he hasn't come back yet? Thank you in advance! You all are awesome.(:

Im being put on the backburner already with this guy..?

were really good friends for 4 years and always had a thing for eachother but never did something about it till recently..weve been 'talking' for about a month now and we really like eachother. Things got a little heated the other night and we made plans for tonight to hang out. He said he couldnt wait to hang out but now he just rescheduled at the last minute(by the way hes my ex's best friend) n i think they all wana hang out so he asked to reschedule. Which is fine! But i dont want to be a pushover and him be able to walk all over me like my ex did...what do i do so it doesnt turn into that..?

Please tell me what I'm meant to do?

Since my diagnosis with cancer, my university have rescheduled my dissertation so that I can hand it in before the exam board. I have not completed my dissertation because I have been too ill from the medication that I have been put on and the cancer has spread, so I'm going to need to have an operation in a few days. My concern is, that I'm so scared of telling my head of year and project supervisor that I still have not completed my dissertation. I don't know what to say to them - it's the end of the academic year, so the only time I can really do it is in the summer or next year. But if I do do it next year, i will have do another project. I'm so scared of them getting angry with me about it :-(. what do I do?

Can somebody help me rearrange my room?

When I redo my room I like to stand at the door and think of what would look good where, sometimes it takes a couple times of rearrangement but eventually you'll find a way you like, also keep in mind to use things you have to decorate make your room a comfortable setting that you like!